Managing Information Systems Security and Privacy


Autor: Denis Trcek
Editora: Springer
Ano de edição: 2006
Nº de páginas: 236
Idioma: Inglês
Coleção: –
Especificações: Programação/ Web Design
Livro de Bolso:não
Encadernação: capa mole
Estado: 5/5

Método de Pagamento Método de Pagamento Método de Pagamento Método de Pagamento


Managing Information Systems Security and Privacy

The book deals with the management of information systems security and privacy, based on a model that covers technological, organizational and legal views. This is the basis for a focused and methodologically structured approach that presents “the big picture” of information systems security and privacy, while targeting managers and technical profiles. The book addresses principles in the background, regardless of a particular technology or organization. It enables a reader to suit these principles to an organization’s needs and to implement them accordingly by using explicit procedures from the book. Additionally, the content is aligned with relevant standards and the latest trends. Scientists from social and technical sciences are supposed to find a framework for further research in this broad area, characterized by a complex interplay between human factors and technical issues.

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